Financial and Housing Assistance
Ability Housing of Northeast Florida, (904) 359-9650 or Online Message / www.abilityhousing.com
Ability Housing is a Florida nonprofit that develops housing, setting a standard of excellence in the field of affordable and supportive housing. We focus on meeting the needs of persons experiencing or at risk of homelessness and adults with a disability.
Access Florida Department of Children and Family Services, (904) 723-2000 / www.myflorida.com/accessflorida
Food assistance
Medical assistance and Medicaid
Temporary cash assistance for families with children (TANF)
General program information
Federal Non-Discrimination Poster
Family Nutrition Program (SNAP Ed)
Family support
Suicide support
Access Wireless, Facebook Page is preferred contact method or Online Form /
To secure government assistance for the phone
Not a telephone company; refer to online link for questions on cell phones already secured
There are two servicing companies for the government supplied phones:
1) Assurance Wireless https://www.freegovernmentcellphones.net/free-cell-phone-providers/assurance-wireless
2) Safelink Wireless https://www.freegovernmentcellphones.net/free-cell-phone-providers/safelink-wireless
BEAM – Beaches Emergency Assistance Ministry, (904) 241-2326 or Online Form / info@jaxbeam.org / www.jaxbeam.org
Helps families in the Beaches communities from Mayport / Atlantic Beach to Neptune Beach, Jacksonville, Beach and Ponte Vedra in these zip codes: 32233, 32224, 32266, 32227, 32250 and 32082.
Food assistance
Financial Assistance, including help with Rent and Utilities
Help applying for SNAP and Medicaid
Single Parent Workshops with parenting workshops and more
Catholic Charities, (904) 354-4846 or Online Form / www.ccbjax.org
Provides the basic needs to help prevent homelessness through the Emergency Assistance department. Their goal is to help families facing eviction or loss of utilities to remain safe and secure in their homes.
Helps with rent, mortgage or utility payments
Food is distributed to the public on Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm (must bring SSN card for each person needing food)
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program
Caring Choices Pregnancy Counseling
Financial assistance for the elderly, disabled and poor in the JEA service area (904) 632-0600
Clara White Mission, (904) 354-4162 / www.theclarawhitemission.org
Works in partnership with the community to prevent and reduce homelessness through advocacy, housing, job training, and employment.
Food provision
Educational training
Housing services
Downtown Ecumenical Services Council, (904) 358-7955 / www.descjax.org
Food pantry and clothing assistance serving Duval, Clay and Nassau counties.
Open from 9:00am-12:00pm, Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Proof of ID and housing required.
Habitat for Humanity, (904) 798-4529 / www.habijax.org
Habitat works in partnership with local families and volunteers to build and rehabilitate simple, decent homes for qualified individuals.
Jacksonville Housing Authority, 904-630-3877 / www.jaxha.org
Provides safe, clean, affordable housing and effective social services to low and moderate income families and individuals.
Lifeline Program (Cell-phones for Low-Income Consumers) https://www.lifelinesupport.org/
Enter zip code on the ‘Companies Near Me’ search page
Identified companies in someone’s zip code will be presented with the company names and phone numbers to contact with further information
Lutheran Social Services, 904-448-5995 / www.lssjax.org
Faith based social service ministry. This team helps the underserved manage their finances and take back control of their lives. Hunger relief and refugee services are also available.
Operation New Hope, (904) 354-4673 / www.operationnewhope.org
Operation New Hope is redirecting the path ex-offenders receive training, support and skills to get a job after being incarcerated.
Salvation Army, (904) 366-9222 / www.salvationarmynefl.org
The Salvation Army provides assistance to those in need through services such as food for the hungry, clothing and shelter to the homeless and opportunities for underprivileged children.
Soles4Souls, (866) 521-SHOE (7463) / https://www.soles4souls.org
Program provides new clothing and shoes to people in need across the world.
The Storehouse, register online and make an appointment / Contact: Rachel Self /
Offers free used clothing, free used furniture, and free household items.
Medical Help
ALPHA-OMEGA Miracle Home, (904) 823-8588 / www.aomh.org
Provides housing, counseling and education for the new faces of homelessness – single mothers, their children and senior women.
Bear Run Clinic, (641) 715-3900 Extension: 301402 / support@freeclinics.com / https://www.freeclinics.com/det/fl_32065_bear-run-clinic
Medical, wellness, and nutrition services. This clinic operates under a SLIDING SCALE model. You will be required to prove financial need in order to receive free services or services at a reduced cost.
Legacy of Care Health Clinic, (904) 745-9333 / www.legacyofcare.net
Legacy of Care Health Clinic provides free medical care for adults without health promotion services to all insured and underinsured adults through disease management, preventative education and health screening. Vision screening is also included.
Mayo Clinic, (844) 217-9591 toll-free / https://www.mayoclinic.org/patient-visitor-guide/billing-insurance/financial-assistance
Mayo Clinic seeks to provide support for those unable to pay for medically necessary care. Services include:
Using fair and consistent billing and collection practices, including charitable care and financial assistance policies and a standard application process
Providing extended payment plan options and medically necessary services at reduced rates or at no cost for patients eligible for financial assistance
Providing emergency care, regardless of ability to pay
Sulzbacher Health Centers, (904) 394-4950 / http://www.sulzbacherjax.org/about
Offers a complete range of health-care services to residents of the Sulzbacher facility and others in need in the community. Comprehensive medical assessments and treatments provided.
Volunteers in Medicine, (904) 399-2766 / www.vim-jax.org
Volunteers in Medicine offers free health care for low income individuals who are working un-insured.
Women’s Services
Bear Run Clinic, (641) 715-3900 Extension: 301402 / support@freeclinics.com / https://www.freeclinics.com/det/fl_32065_bear-run-clinic
Medical, wellness, and nutrition services. This clinic operates under a SLIDING SCALE model. You will be required to prove financial need in order to receive free services or services at a reduced cost.
Community Health Outreach, (904) 573-1333 or admin@chojax.org / www.chojax.net
A Christian organization with a mission which provides a Healing Hands Clinic, food pantry and a Baby Luv Center. Provided are comprehensive health services, food assistance, and pregnancy center to Duval County residents in need.
Patient Form: https://chojax.org/s/CHO-Patient-Application-2019.pdf
Daniel Foundation, (904) 296-1055 / www.danielkids.org
Provides a supportive haven for abused, neglected, or abandoned children through a variety of innovative programs.
First Coast Women’s Services, (904) 262-6300 / www.fcws.org
A faith-based not-for-profit organization that provides free-of-charge pregnancy testing, limited ultrasounds, options counseling, and community referrals (view all services here). We do not provide extended OB/GYN or pre-natal care, birth control prescriptions or devices, fertility testing, abortion services, referrals for abortion or STD/STI testing. All services are fast, free of charge, and confidential. Walk-ins welcome.
Gateway, (877) 389-9966 / www.gatewaycommunity.com/
Recognized leader in addiction treatment for adults and adolescents in the Northeast Florida region. Services include support for recovery while at home, treatment programs while working, family housing for women with infants and children and detoxification support. Note: Contact Tami Taunton for referrals to Gateway
Hubbard House, (904) 354-3114 / www.hubbardhouse.org
Offers shelter for victims of domestic violence, a Batterer’s Intervention program for abusers; provides intervention and prevention.
The Inn Ministry, (904) 388-7730 / http://www.innministry.org
Provides for pregnant mothers and mothers with small children in a crisis.
Quigley House, (904)284-0061 or (904) 284-0340 / www.quigleyhouse.org
A comprehensive Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Center serving the Clay County area in Northeast Florida. The mission is to provide advocacy and empowerment to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault while providing community education to heighten awareness.
The Salvation Army, (904) 366-9222 / https://salvationarmyflorida.org/jacksonville-ac/#programs
Purpose and passion to bring help to people experiencing hardship. The services include social services, child development center, disaster services, spiritual and correctional services. A service provided through the Correctional Services is a batterers intervention program for men who have been court-ordered to complete the program.
Women’s Center of Jacksonville Rape Recovery Team, (904) 722-3000 / https://womenscenterofjax.org/
Improving the lives of women through advocacy, support and education and providing rape recovery services for individuals of all genders in Duval, Nassau and Baker counties
Children’s Assistance
Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Northeast Florida, (904) 727-9797 or Online Form / www.bbbsnefl.org
Northeast Florida helps children reach their potential through professionally supported one-to-one relationships.
Boys and Girls Club of Northeast Florida, (904) 396-4435 / https://www.bgcnf.org/
Caring, trained and trustworthy youth development professionals who serve children in the Duval and St. John’s counties. The mission is to enable all young people to realize their full potential.
Boy Scouts of America, (904) 388-0591 / www.nfcscouting.org
Girl Scouts of Gateway Council, (904) 388-4653 or (877) 764-5237 / https://www.girlscouts-gateway.org/
Girls Inc., (904) 731-9933 or Online Form / http://www.girlsincjax.org/
Literacy and Identity programs as well as summer camps.
Hope Haven Children’s Clinic, (904) 208-2044-Cypress Plaza Dr., (904) 503-0344-Southpoint Dr. N., (904) 346-5100-Beach Blvd. / www.hope-haven.org
Ensure that children and families realize their full potential by providing specialized services and individualized educational opportunities. Options include after-school programs, camps, parenting classes, education advocacy, tutoring, therapy services for children and employment services.
Police Athletic League, (904) 854-6555 / https://jaxpal.com
Enriches the lives of children by creating positive relationships between law enforcement officers and youth through educational, athletic and leadership programs. There are also afterschool programs.
STAR Program, (904) 387-4661 ext 1096 / http://rehabworks.org/stw_star.shtml
Counseling program offered through Gateway for students who are 14-21.
Please reach out to Tami Taunton if you need a referral form.
Youth Crisis Center, (904) 725-6662, (877) 720-0007 / www.youthcrisiscenter.org
The Youth Crisis Center is a runaway crisis center that provides services for runaway, displaced, troubled youth and their families.
Adult Education and Employment
CareerSource Northeast Florida, (904) 356-JOBS (5627) / http://careersourcenortheastflorida.com/
Job seeker services to allow you to create a personal success plan that helps you take your career to the next level.
Emmett Reed Community Center, (904) 630-0958 / http://www.coj.net/departments/parks-and-recreation/recreation-and-community-programming/community-centers-(1)/emmett-reed-community-center,-gymnasium-and-park
A recreational center located in downtown Jacksonville providing various educational opportunities and activities, including donations, to families in need. This Center has a number of partnerships in the city of Jacksonville who wish to serve the community. Contact the Center for the most recent schedules and activities.
Florida State College at Jacksonville (FSCJ), (904) 646-2300 or (904) 632-3151/ https://www.fscj.edu/
Contact the college for information on Readiness Programs and Specialized Services and Outreach for students with low-income.
Fresh Ministries-LifePoint Career Institute, (904) 355-0000-Laura Street, (904) 854-6770-Phillip Randolph Blvd or Apply Online / https://freshministries.org/lifepoint-career-institute /
LifePoint Career Institute offers training and tutoring to students to prepare them for work in the hospitality and healthcare fields.
Jacksonville Public Library, (904) 255-2665 / https://www.jaxpubliclibrary.org/locations/main-library
Refer to the Events tab for classes and events. Each library location has both adult and child education events. Monthly calendars are provided online and at each location.
Job Corps, (800) 733-JOBS (5627) / https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/training/jobcorps
A no-cost education and vocational training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that helps young people ages 16-24 improve the quality of their lives by empowering them to get great jobs and become independent.
Northeast Florida Community Action Agency, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, (904) 362-8052 / http://www.nfcaa.net/emergency-and-utility-assistance/
Assists low-income households with immediate and emergency home energy needs. NFCAA makes direct payments to utility companies when a family does not have the funds and is in danger of having their electricity disconnected.
The Northeast Florida Community Action Agency provides other family, education and self-sufficiency programs and resources. Refer to the website for the most current information. http://www.nfcaa.net/
Legal Assistance
Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, (904) 356-83711, St. Johns County Legal Aid, (904) 827-9921, Clay County Legal Aid, (904) 284-8410 / https://www.jaxlegalaid.org/
Legal Services for low income or special needs neighbors; refer to website for office location based on county.
Child Support Information and Services, 850-488-KIDS (5437) or Online Chat Feature / http://floridarevenue.com/childsupport/Pages/default.aspx
Refer to the Florida Department of Revenue Child Support page for addressing a number of topics, questions, services related to Child Support.
Addiction Recovery
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), National Website/ Alcoholics Anonymous (aa.org)
Local: AA in Jacksonville, Florida,904-399-8535, Home | Northeast Florida Intergroup Services (neflaa.org)
A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
City Rescue Mission – LifeBuilders Addiction Recovery, (904) 387-HELP (4357) / https://www.crmjax.org/services/life-builders-program
A program where participants are given the opportunity to become productive, self-sufficient members of society.
Celebrate Recovery, (904) 726-7460 / https://www.celebraterecoveryjacksonville.com/about
Christ-centered recovery program supports the recovery process for a variety of addictions, habits or hang-ups using a 100% Christ centered approach.
Gateway, (877) 389-9966 / www.gatewaycommunity.com/
Recognized leader in addiction treatment for adults and adolescents in the Northeast Florida region. Services include support for recovery while at home, treatment programs while working, family housing for women with infants and children and detoxification support. Note: Contact Tami Taunton for referrals to Gateway
Grace Ministries, (904) 885-5989 / www.graceministries.org
Provides a pathway designed to help women get off the streets and into recovery so they can begin to rebuild their lives. In doing so, they hope to build relationships and begin to show the women that there is freedom, hope, and a purpose for their lives.
Narcotics Anonymous, National Information: (818) 773-9999, x133 / https://na.org
NA is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs.
NA in Jacksonville, Florida, 904-723-5683 / www.firstcoastna.org
Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center, (904) 641-2122 / https://salvationarmyflorida.org/adult-rehabilitation-center/
Information for Rehab Programs
Teen Challenge Southeast Region
Adult Women 18 and over, Jacksonville Women’s Home (904) 317-0333 or (855) 934-HOPE (4673) or Online Form / www.jacksonvillewomenshome.com
Adult Men 18 and over, Jacksonville Men’s Center (904) 398-0013 or (855) 934-HOPE (4673) or Online Form / https://jacksonvillemensrehab.com/
Rehab programs for both men and women over 18 years old
Trinity Rescue Mission Freedom Farm, (904) 355-1205 https://www.trinityrescue.org/programs/freedom-farm/
Rehab program form men
Awakening Recovery Center, (904) 733-7383 / https://awakeningrecoverycenter.com/
An outpatient drug rehabilitation and alcohol treatment center that provides individualized outpatient and intensive outpatient programs to individuals in and around Jacksonville, Florida.
Lakeview Health, Addiction Treatment and Recovery, (844) 208-3451, Online Form, or Online Chat / https://www.lakeviewhealth.com/
Get 24/7 Confidential Help; Multiple services including inpatient rehabilitation, partial hospitalization, medical detox and intensive outpatient.
Wekiva Springs, (904) 296-3533 / https://wekivacenter.com/
Provides substance abuse programs and Mental health programs. There are both inpatient and outpatient options available. Refer to website for what to expect.
Operation New Hope, 904-354-4673 / operationnewhope.org
Provides support, life and job skills training for people with a history of involvement with the criminal justice system, and places them in employment that offers a sustainable quality of life.
Sober Living & Halfway Houses
Alco House, 904-355-1334 / www.alcohouse.org
A family type group home, free of substance abuse, provides the foundation needed by these men and women in early recovery. The stability enables the client/resident an opportunity to rebuild their life.
Alcohol Service Center, 904-355-6947 / htpps://inpatient-drug-and-alcohol-rehab.com)
Provides an extensive directory of hospitals and healthcare facilities that offering rehabilitation services.
Alumni House, 904-354-0835 / www.gatewaycommunity.com/recovery.html
Recovery Housing with safe, stable living for men and women in recovery.
Awakenings House, 904-710-3844 / www.awakeningshouseinc.org / Contact: Carla Sweeney or Donna Fitchel
Private sober living homes for women only, located in the residential area of the Westside of Jacksonville Florida.
City House, 904-359-9375 / www.cityhouses.org
Dedicated to providing a safe and sober living environment in Jacksonville, FL to men and women struggling with the chains of drug and alcohol addition.
Grace Ministry of Helping Hands, 904-885-5989 / Email: love@graceministriesjax.org / Contact: Kathleen McDonald
If a woman decides to go with us, we transport her to a local detoxification facility where she will remain for three to five days. During the detoxification process she will be assessed and released to a residential treatment center or a sober living facility.
Jax Sober Living Recovery Residences (Jacksonville Beach Transitional Living), (904) 300-6050 / www.jaxsoberlivinghouse.com
Sober living home arrangements for both men and women. Provide a 12-step program including engaging in learning life skills.
Residential and Rehab Centers
Sulzbacher Center, 904-359-0457 / www.sulzbachercenter.org
Providing opportunities for homeless men, women and children to achieve a better life.
Trinity Rescue Mission, 904-355-1205 / www.trinityrescue.org
To help the homeless and hungry in Jacksonville.
Her Song-New life for survivors of sex trafficking, 904-513-0203 / Home | HER SONG | Florida (hersongjax.org) / Contact: Jen or Kelly
Treatment Centers
Beaches Recovery, 866-605-0532 / www.beachesrecovery.com
Premier drug and alcohol treatment center in Jacksonville Florida. We offer a complete continuum of care, starting with drug and alcohol detox.
Lakeview Health, 888-496-6950 / www.lakeviewhealth.com
To guide you on the path to recovery. We are a passionate team of difference makers who empower profound recovery through exceptional, dynamic, and evidence-based treatment for individuals and their families.
River Region, 904-899-6300 / River Region Human Services | Facebook
Improving the quality of life for children, adults, the elderly, and families of Northeast Florida affected by substance abuse, mental illness, homelessness, HIV/AIDS and other communicable illness.
Wekiva Treatment Center, 904-717-6045 / www.wekivacenter.com
Provides behavioral health and substance abuse treatment to adults and senior adults in Jacksonville and surrounding areas.